Upland Crop Production Systems
This project component aims to develop WSN-based water information system for drip-irrigated upland crop production systems.

Field Survey

Soil Sampling

Soil Sampling

Drip Testing Set-Up

Drip System Installation

Drip System Installation

Drip System Installation

Drip Performance Testing

Crop Modeling Studies
Lowland Crop Production Systems
This project component aims to develop WSN-based water information system for lowland crop production systems using alternate wetting and drying (AWD) technology.

Field Survey

Soil Sampling

Lowland Site Preparation

Setting Up of Evaporation Pan

Evaporation Measurement at Lowland Site

S and P Measurement

Well Logging

AWD Setup

The Research Team During Field Work
Wireless Sensor Network Development
This project component aims to develop a wireless sensor network for smart irrigation.

Ametek Sensor Testing

Metronome Neomotes

MP306 Sensor Testing

Meter Testing

Programming the Motes



Sensor Integration
Sensor Integration
Alternative Low-cost Sensors
This project component aims to develop low-cost sensors for monitoring soil moisture and water level in upland and lowland crop production systems, respectively.

Upland Low-cost Sensor

Lowland Low-cost Sensor

Low-cost Sensor Fabrication

Low-cost Sensor Pre-Testing

Low-cost Sensor Lab Testing

Low-cost Sensor Field Testing
Water Balance Modeling
This component aims to develop water balance models for both upland and lowland crop production systems and develop optimum irrigation management schemes

Soil Textural Analysis

Soil Water Retention Measurements

Soil Water Retention Measurements

Lysimeters for Water Balance Measurements

Infiltration Measurements

Advance and Recession Curves Measurements

Water Balance Tank

Upland Water Balance SetUp

Lowland Water Balance Setup
This component aims to develop commercialization schemes for the WSN technology packages being developed in this project.

FGD with DA Region VI (2017)

FGD with NIA Region VI (2017)

KII with HVC Farm Owner Region VI (2017)

KII with NIA Region IV-A (2017)

Visits to Upland Farms in Region 7 (2017)

FGD with HVC Farm Owner in CAR (2018)

FGD with NIA Region I (2018)

KII Visit to a HVC Farm in Region XI (2018)

Pre-testing of Market Survey (2018)
Kickoff meeting
July 2017

Courtesy Call at the Office of the Chancellor in UPLB

UCB Collaborators with the Project Leader and Team Members at UPLB

The Project Leader and the UCB Collaborators

Kick-off Meeting Opener by the Project Leader

Dr. Steve Glaser presenting during the Kick-off Meeting

Dr. Victor Ella presenting during the Kick-off Meeting

Group Picture during the Kick-off Meeting

Awarding of Certificates after the Kick-off Meeting

Meeting with the Farm Owner at the Lowland Pilot Test Site
WSN Training at UC Berkeley
August 2017

WiSEIr Team with Dr. Steve Glaser at his UC Berkeley Lab

WSN Training Lectures at UCBerkeley

WSN Training Lectures at UCBerkeley

WSN Training Workshop at UCBerkeley

WSN Training Workshop at UCBerkeley

WSN Demo at UCBerkeley

Field Visit to WSN at UCBerkeley Botanical Garden

Group Picture at UCBerkeley Botanical Garden with WSN System

Group Picture after WSN training at UCBerkeley
PCARI Research and Development Conference
October 2017

Dr. Victor Ella presenting at the conference

Dr. Victor Ella presenting at the conference

Dr. Victor Ella with other Project Leaders during the Open Forum at the Conference

WiSEIr Team at the Conference

WiSEIr Team at the Conference

VBE Team at the Conference
Year 1 Project Evaluation
February 2018

VBE Presentation to Dr. Padolina of PCARI with the team (Sept 2017)

Team with Dr. Padolina at upland pilot test site (Sept 2017)

Team with Dr. Padolina at lowland pilot test site (Sept 2017)

VBE team with farmer collaborator and Dr. Padolina (Sept 2017)

VBE Presentation to PCARI Evaluators for Year 1 Accomplishments

Team with PCARI Evaluator at CEAT Hydrolab

VBE team and PCARI Evaluator at the Drip Testing site

Group Picture at the Lowland Site with PCARI Evaluators

VBE with Farmer Collaborator and PCARI Evaluator
Year 2 Project Evaluation
February 2019

VBE Presentation to PCARI Evaluators

Presentation of lowcost sensor to PCARI Evaluator

Presentation of procured WSN Equipment to PCARI Evaluators

Visit to Drip Testing site by the PCARI Project Evaluators

Visit to the Upland Site with the PCARI Evaluators

Visit to the Lowland Site with PCARI Evaluators

Visit to the Lowland Site with PCARI Evaluators

Visit to the Lowland Site with PCARI Evaluators

Group Picture with PCARI Evaluators at the lowland site
Presentation in International Scientific Conferences

1st paper presentation at the 4th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agricultural Production, Bogor, Indonesia (Oct 11-12, 2021) by Engr. Camille G. Martinez

2nd paper presentation at the 4th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agricultural Production, Bogor, Indonesia (Oct 11-12, 2021) by Engr. Nikki Alaine P. Panaligan

3rd paper presentation at the 4th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agricultural Production, Bogor, Indonesia (Oct 11-12, 2021) by Ms. Marielle Q. Aringo

4th paper presentation at the 4th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agricultural Production, Bogor, Indonesia (Oct 11-12, 2021) by Mr. Edzel S. Agulto

5th paper presentation at the 4th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agricultural Production, Bogor, Indonesia (Oct 11-12, 2021) by Engr. Ruzell Dean C. Ramirez

6th paper presentation at the 4th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agricultural Production, Bogor, Indonesia (Oct 11-12, 2021) by Engr. Gamiello S. Pereira
Poster presentation at the 3rd Climate Change and Agriculture Conference, Budapest, Hungary (March 24 to 26, 2019)
Research Team Recognition
Some of the awards that the project has received over the years.

Plaque of CEAT Outstanding Research Team Award (2019)

VBE Team Receving the Award fom CEAT (2019)

Project WiSEIr Team Members 2019

Best Presenter at the AESAP International Conference in the Session on IoT and Automation for Technology (2021)